발란트는 대한민국 브랜드로, 발란스(Balance)와 탤런트(Talent)의 합성어이며, 재능을 균형 있게 쓰자는 뜻을 가지고 있습니다. 대표 슬로건은 '재능을 낭비하지 말자' (don't waste you talent)로, 발란트는 꿈을 향해 뛰는 모든 사람들을 응원합니다.

Balant is Korean brand that believes is balanced use of talent This is embodied in our name,which is a combination of "balance"and talent, Our slogan is "don't lef talent go to wast". We at Balant recognize your skills and are committed to supporting them

  • 031-814-0153
  • Opening hours. am11-pm6 [sat, sun, holiday OFF]
  • 농협 302-0974-6607-51 [예금주 : 엄승백]
  • Company SB COMPANY
    Owner & Admin SEUNGBAEK EOM
    Business license no. 105-21-45888
    Online-order license no. 2015-서울마포-0874
    Tel 031-814-0153E.mail wlwl050@naver.com
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